Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm creating this blog to share the healing power of art and because a dear friend of mine asked me to. Through the creating and expression of art one can better understand themselves, learn a new coping skill, and gain self confidence. I believe it should be a part of everyone's life regardless of if they feel they are an artist or not. We are all creators, we are already creating art in our everyday life, now it's time to document it. My mentor, when speaking about art as a part of ones life said, "I am not saying you have to be a career artist. I am saying you have to be a human being."

I hope the above has inspired you if it hasn't let me share a story about myself. I first got started with art in high school. I went to an alternative school where art and music where a major part of an education. I decided to try myself at a drawing class, I previously had only drawn stick figures and would have described myself as horrible at art. I had a patient, loving and inspiring teacher that taught me to see the beauty in my imperfection and to enjoy the process. I did not immediately become amazing at art, I still am working to better my art, but I learned about the joy in art and the healing power. That is what is important. I can tell you there were many times I felt frustrated, inadequate and lost when trying to make art, with time I progressed and learned to love to create art. One must remember the beauty in imperfection and enjoy the process.

I've had a little bit of trouble deciding whether to do a more focused art class where there is a certain topic and directed readings and creation of art around that topic OR to do a more free for all and flow in and out of topics. The more I think about this now, the more I think it would be best to have a focused program but allow it to flow freely and jump around. Because I'm still working on art from a course I recently took centered around "cultural identity" I think I will start there. It will allow me to continue to make the art I need to (graduate), besides it's a great topic that should be taught to everyone.

First things first, one must have a journal. I'm not necessarily talking about a journal with lines for writing although if that is what does it for you then great. I'd recommend a blank page journal that is at least 5 x 7 preferably larger. This journal needs to be a part of you, not sewn in your shirt, more so made to feel like it is yours. Whatever it takes to own it do that, whether it be drawing on it, creating a collage on the front/back of it, holding a special ritual, or painting it. The possibilities are endless.

Second, email me for a copy of a reading I'd like you to read. The readings are meant to facilitate the journaling process and give your mind an opportunity to stretch. Questions, comments, thoughts, anything the articles provoke should go in your journal.

Third, come back for more!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Lisa! I am very interested in your blog. love, mom
